Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Don't let me find you....

If I ever come across the previous owner of this house in the flesh, there's a bitch slap in her future.

I can almost hear the conversation.......

Husband/Girlfriend/Boyfriend/Repairman: "Hey, I know that the sink is all the way over to the right, but I think that we should put that light you want right in the middle of the wall. Seems like the best thing to do in this spot."

Previous owner: "Hey, good ideaaaa. Ooh, let's do that. You're right, I think that would be really cool." (switches to inner monologue)---> Man, that'll be awesome. This will really get across the message that my style is eclectic while at the same time remaining cute.....


Christ, I've got a lot of work ahead of me.